Monday, March 23, 2009

Angry Cock Lover (for "mature" audiences only)

On Saturday we went to the Oregon Coast.

My wife's sister and her husband picked us up. In the car was a copy of "Exotic," a publication 99% filled with ads for strip clubs and escorts. Portland is something of a Strip Club Mecca.

In the "Adventures in Singlehood" by Dirt Star (page 30) I found "Angry Cock Lover"

I'd love to quote the entire "adventure" but you'll have to make do with excerpts unless you go here


"I was taking a piss the other night, as I often do, in the bathroom, on the toilet."

My sort of first line!

"But I needed a body guard this time. Jamie was his name...He was hot and so were all of his friends. I liked them and wanted to bang all four of them actually. So anyway, I'm taking a piss in front of this angry cock. No, literally there was an angry cock locked in the bathroom. Apparently these people are hardcore vegan animal lovers. This rooster was roaming the streets of SE 50th and harassing people at the Planned Parenthood..."

"I'm an open person, but having a guy you just met from the strip club protecting you from a wild animal made me a little nervous and uncomfortable. OK, who I am kidding? It was hot and awesome! To be honest I just wanted to fuck Jamie, in the bathroom, with the angry cock watching."

"The rooster was strutting back and forth, its golden feathers bouncing with each step, staring at me with its beady little eyes."

"What if it went crazy and pecked my pussy?"

"No one wants to see a red swollen pussy that some angry cock tore up. Or maybe they do?"

(a question for the ages).

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