At the end of a year, or the beginning of a new one, you can always rely on the various year in reviews. This morning's Meridiano features a review of the year's violent deaths.
Besides the front cover (shown above) 9 pages inside are filled with details of each and every death. Each has a headline like
Atropellado---hit by car
Suicidio--- suicide
A Balatos--- shot
Choque--- car wreck
Infartado--- heart attack
Electracutado--- electrocuted
volcadura---- car accident (where the car rolls over and over)
sepultado--- buried
envenenado--- poisoned
asesinado-- killed/executed
ahogado---- drowned
extrangulado-- strangled
and then a full play by play description of how such-and-such met his demise, was found, etc....
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