Sunday, January 25, 2009


--The Sistine Chapel. I found more beauty on the undersides of soaring gulls' wings.

--I told my wife I'm the most religious man in the world and I believe it.

--Eating apples and mandarins, listening to Brian Ferry's "Slave to Love."

--Romulus and Remus suckling at the she-wolf (sea-wolf). Her teats like big fat teardops.

--Come to Crete and make a baby!

-- "I didn't want to fall in love with you
didn't want to know the things I know."
(The Sugababes)

-- "Sticks and stones and animal bones"
(Kaiser Chiefs)

--EasyJet says Berlin's "the epicentre of all things cool and modern."

--Crappa Likka - a restaurant in Palermo

--Romans ate fried canaries (thx, again, EasyJet)

--Songs I'm going to buy on iTunes
"This is the life"
"... a creepy little girl in a creepy little house..."
"Miles Away"
"Are we human or are we dancers" (some of the most retarded lyrics, but I'm a big fan of the sound and feel of their songs. The Killers that is.)
"Hot and Cold" (my wife says Katy Perry is going to be a one-hit wonder. maybe.)

--Nice Flight. Gate 5. Goodbye.

--Here in this chasm of quarried rock they herded them in and left them to die and rot in cold darkness

--A white-winged pigeon looks like a man with arms in casts flying

--a striped orange cat

--Boats and a childish nudge (i mean "nude") on a couch with a black cat at her feet. A little black triangle's all filled in between her legs. Also, above them, a smiling pale-blue swordfish. Very friendly looking.

--Big, dark, glaring lips.

--Traipsing back to the boat with three monkeys lashed to my back. The little boy covered with tattoos says "arrivederci"

--I miss you all

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