Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are - A Brief Review

"Where the Wild Things Are" suffers the fate many movies suffer. It starts off well enough. Sets up possibilities. Then kind of just fizzles out. And the ending's a cop out. A morality lesson. Yeah, Yeah: i'm all vague about town here. Well, so what. It's a decent movie all in all. But I wanted to feel as strongly as I did when I was terrified as the creatures encircled our wayward adolescent, threatening to eat him. From there o in it was all downhill, intensity-wise. And I was needing a good sound nap.


Unknown said...

This film is immensely subtle. I was not what I was expecting, but actually the fact that it isn't a hollywood adrenaline trip is great. There is, however, a constant sense of Max's vulnerability among the wild things, which transfers fantastically to his realisation that his mum is also vulnerable at the end. Complex and touching - the film is a must-see.

Mikkel Eggers said...

To me it was obvious thar there was an intimate relation between the story Max told hus mother under the table and the story he was a part of himself. I guess it is a matter of point of view in both cases. The story about the teally tall buildings and the vampires in no way motivates who the buildings are and what their relation to the vampires is.

As does the story about the wild things mit motivate these creatures. They dont stand for anything they dont have any significant conflicts between them or with others (apart from Carol and the rest of the creatures) they are just there.

Because we never leave Max's imagination, tjat coins be why you are missing a plot. The story is told within the franework of a kid quite simply, which lends a certain expressionistic feel to it, I Think.